"I don't think the fundamentals will ever change. All right, then. What are the major things a golfer must do to be correctly poised and positioned as he hits through the ball? He will be essentially correct in the impact area if he learns to execute three major movements. 1) He must initiate the downswing by turning the hips to the left. 2) He must hit through to the finish of his swing in one cohesive movement, hitting with his hips, shoulders, arms and hands, in that order. 3) He must start to supinate his left wrist just before impact. This is, essentially, all he need concentrate on. The average golfer's problem is not so much a lack of ability as it is a lack of knowing what he should do. The left is a power hand too." Ben Hogan
Download : "... The Open Champions: 1894, Willie Dunn; 1895, Horace Rawlins; 1896, James Foulis; 1897, Joseph Lloyd. ..." 'CONCERNING STYLE, GOLF IN AMERICA' THE WORLD OF GOLF BY GARDEN SMITH 1898
Available on Amazon
Part 1: Learn of the Five Mechanical Laws of the Golf Swing - Fundamentals 1 to 5 - to become consistently accurate
Paperback ISBN 9783000598371 and eBook
Download : "MORE PLANES ... SEYMOUR Dunn, who has made many fine contributions to the golf game, is seen standing inside a canvas frame he made thirty years ago, to show the actual path of the clubhead during a swing. ... In Ben Hogan's book, The Modern Fundamentals of Golf, scribe Herbert Warren Wind and artist Anthony Ravielli have tried to expand on this question of the arcs, but it is difficult to give a two-dimensional effect when working in one plane, on paper. They have not succeeded any more than I have here with my drawing (opposite) or Jim Dante has done with his light in the dark (page 114).... My 'Picasso' is outstanding! " 'BUILDING UP THE HEART OF THE GOLF SWING' Hit and stop How to Get Distance The Sensation is of a Scissors Action THE LATEST SECRET. THE GOLF SECRET By HENRY COTTON 1957 1980 Open Champion 1934 1937 AND 1948.
Download : "... I was especially interested in that one common factor that stood out: the way the guys maintained the same hand-wrist formation at the end of the swing as at the beginning. But I couldn't figure out how they did it. ..." 'THE NATURAL GOLF SWING' GEORGE KNUDSON With Lorne Rubenstein Illustrated by Neil Harris First published in paperback 1989 THE INTERNET ARCHIVE